Hi all.
Thanks for checking back on this blog for lesson slot vacancies. Unfortunately, the coming week is already completely fully booked up again. This is, to be fair, partly because I am otherwise engaged with various Christmas-related engagements.
One such event is the Women’s Institute North Yorkshire West Federation Christmas Carol Service (try saying that after a few too many mulled-wines!!) at Ripon Cathedral. Although I don’t personally believe in the Christian story of Christmas, I always enjoy carol services. Maybe it’s partly because I associate the music and the nativity scene with warm, happy feelings of childhood – making Christmas cards and singing carols at school – and perhaps there’s also an element of the peace and tranquility that comes with sitting still for a while, no smart phone, emails, appointments etc to distract me. Anyway, it goes to show that even an agnostic / atheist like me can get a lot out of such events, and it can feel even more special when conducted in such a magnificent building.

So, whatever your personal beliefs, I hope you can find enjoyment and peace this Christmas. I’ll be signing off now until January because I’m taking a Christmas break at the end of this week, and will be resuming lessons on 7th January. Watch out for my weekly email first thing on Monday 6th January, then every Monday morning through 2020.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
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