Student Stats – A Wide Range of Ages / Abilities!

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I’m very often asked whether someone is too old / too young / good enough etc to start taking lessons with me.  And, the answer usually goes along the lines of that anybody can get a great deal of enjoyment from learning an instrument or developing their singing voice, and the degree to which each individual should expect to progress is really directly related to how much time they have to commit to playing / practising / rehearsing between lessons.  As I’ve said on many occasions, it’s my job to point students in the right direction, and then their task is to walk that way and meet me at the other end.

So, out of interest, I decided to have a look at the 75 students who are currently on my books as private clients and see how they break down statistically.  Here are the results:

Male: 45%
Female: 55%

Primary School Age: 9%
Secondary School Age: 27%
Working Age: 49%
Retirement Age: 15%

Beginner Level: 33%
Intermediate Level: 48%
Advanced Level: 19%

So, as you can see, there’s a huge mix of ages and abilities, and I teach just a few more girls / women than boys / men.  And, quite apart from their gender etc, each of these individuals varies widely in what they want out of lessons – some come to me wanting to work through graded exams where others definitely have no interest in assessments but, for example, want to be able to play or sing with their mates in a band etc.  No matter who you are and what your musical leanings, drop me a line to enquire about starting lessons: as long as I have the time in my schedule, the answer will be ‘yes’!

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