Tag Archives: Hellifield

Free Music Lesson Slots: w/c 4th Feb 2019

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Last week was a crazy busy one, preparing for a performance up in Malham with the Carleton Ladies Choir, getting my other choir (WI North Yorkshire West Foundation Rock Choir) restarted with rehearsals, and working on pieces with students for my upcoming charity concert in Skipton and for their Skipton Festival entries! But, this week things should start to slow… Read more »

WI Rock Choir’s First Performances

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Because I’m always so busy teaching from my little studio in Skipton, I rarely get chance to promote the events that I am involved with, let alone go on to write about them afterwards.  This year has been a typically busy one, what with playing in the band for Skipton Musical Theatre Company’s run of The Addams Family, Sutton Green… Read more »

Early Christmas for Women’s Institute Choir

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North Yorkshire West Federation: Rock Choir The Women’s Institute North Yorkshire West Federation are in the process of establishing a rock choir…  well, in fact, three rock choirs that will occasionally come together to perform as one group.  And, I’m honoured to be the Musical Director of one of them – rehearsing every third Wednesday evening at Hellifield Village Hall,… Read more »